Hypancistrus seideli. (L333) King Tiger Pleco

$ 25,00

5 in stock


Scientific Name: Hypancistrus seideli. (L333)
Common Name: L333 King Tiger Pleco

Fish Description:
The L333 King Tiger Pleco is a striking freshwater fish known for its bold black and white striped pattern, giving it a tiger-like appearance. This species belongs to the Hypancistrus genus and is a bottom-dweller with a nocturnal nature. Native to the Xingu River in Brazil, it thrives in warm, well-oxygenated waters with moderate to strong currents. Unlike many other plecos, the L333 is more carnivorous, feeding primarily on meaty foods rather than algae. It is relatively peaceful but can be territorial with other bottom-dwelling fish, especially other plecos. Due to its smaller size and manageable care requirements, it is a popular choice among pleco enthusiasts.

Required Tank Size: 30 gallons / 100 liters
Min. Aquarium Length (cm): 90
Max Size (cm): 12
Current Size (cm): 3
pH: 6.0 – 7.5
Hardness: 5 – 12 dGH
Temperature (Celsius): 26 – 30
Aggressiveness: Peaceful (territorial with other plecos)
Region of Origin: South America, Brazil (Xingu River)
Captive Bred or Wild: Captive bred (most commonly)
Diet: Carnivore (high-protein diet, prefers meaty foods like bloodworms, shrimp, and sinking carnivore pellets)
Compatibility: Best kept with peaceful mid-to-top dwelling fish, such as small tetras, dwarf cichlids, and other non-aggressive community fish. Avoid keeping with aggressive or large territorial bottom-dwellers.


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