Texas Cichlid (small)
$ 7,00
30 in stock
Scientific Name: Herichthys cyanoguttatus
Common Name: Texas Cichlid.
Fish Description: These species share a lot of similarities with other Cichlids – the most obvious one is their aggressive, territorial behavior. They are not schooling fish and will not get along with each other, let alone other species. When it comes to which level of the tank they inhabit, they don’t have any particular preference. They do like to dig in the substrate, move the gravel around and sometimes shred plants. Also, you won’t find them hiding much, they like to be active and out swimming. Texas Cichlid is extremely intelligent and appear to know their owners. They will push up to the front of the tank if they know it’s feeding time, almost to interact with their owner.
Required Tank Size: 55 Gallon/208 Liter
Max Size: 12 inch/ 30 cm
Current Size: 5-10 cm
pH: 7-8
Hardness: 8-15 dGH
Temperature: 21°c – 25°c
Aggressiveness: very
Region of Origin: Rio Grande, Texas and North Mexico.
Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred
Diet: Omnivorous
Compatibility: Limited to other big fish such as; oscars, peacock bass and certain predetory fish.
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